Mr. Favian Yee, North Delta Secondary School, in recognition of for his excellence in teaching and his leadership in both the organization of Science Fairs and his encouragement of student participation in the Kwantlen Science Challenge.
Mr. Jeff Goldie, Strathcona High School, in recognition of for his 30-year track record of teaching excellence, his mentorship of other teachers, and his leadership in physics education in Alberta.
Mr. Christopher Meyer, York Mills Collegiate Institute, in recognition of for his outstanding work in reforming the high school physics curriculum in a manner that has produced demonstrable improvement of student performance over a sustained period.
Mr. Steve Greer, Charles P. Allen High School, in recognition of for his superior ability to bring together the three essential aspects of good teaching: content knowledge, pedagogy and student relationships, and to provide leadership for the Perimeter Institute's Teacher's Network in Atlantic Canada.
Mr. Rhys Adams, Vanier College, in recognition of for his superb pedagogy of physics at Vanier College and for his leadership in developing an international program to train physics teachers in India and China in active learning pedagogies.