CAP Medal and Award Winners
The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) and its medal partners are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 CAP medals.
The 2024 medalists have been invited to give a plenary lecture as part of the 2024 CAP Conference program, and to receive their medals at the Medalists' Recognition Dinner in London, ON on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Please refer to the
Congress-at-a-glance for the schedule of plenary lectures by the CAP medal winners. If any of the medalists are unable to attend the conference, their medal will be presented at another mutually agreed upon time or sent to them separately after the conference.
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Gwen Grinyer , University of Regina ,
in recognition of her outstanding research contributions of ultra-high precision measurements to test the Standard Model description of electroweak interactions and designing of state-of-the-art instrumentation to study the structure of rare isotopes; and for championing equity, diversity and inclusion, and challenging the barriers faced by women and 2SLGBTQ+ people in STEM.
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Wendy Taylor , York University ,
in recognition of her outstanding contributions to particle physics including leading collider searches for magnetic monopoles, B-meson oscillations, and CP violation; and for notable service to the physics community, engaging in physics outreach, and tirelessly promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in physics.
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Federico Rosei , INRS-Energie et Matériaux ,
in recognition of his remarkable achievements in materials physics, particularly multiferroic materials and quantum dots, coupled with outstanding mentorship of trainees, and for international leadership which promotes the excellence of Canadian physics on a global scale.
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William Richard Peltier , University of Toronto ,
in recognition of his key contributions to understanding the physics of the Earth, including glacial isostatic adjustment, mantle convection, fluid dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans, and global climate variability; and for an outstanding record of mentorship and training.
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Manu Paranjape , Université de Montréal ,
in recognition of his service to the CAP and the Canadian theoretical physics community, including the organization of the Theory CANADA series of conferences; and for the extraordinary breadth, creativity, and originality of his research resulting in exceptional contributions to the field of theoretical physics.
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Robert Myers , Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics ,
in recognition of his ground-breaking research in quantum field theory and quantum gravity; and for service to the Canadian theoretical physics community, especially through contributions to the founding of the Perimeter Institute.
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Michael R. Morrow , Memorial University of Newfoundland ,
in recognition of his extensive service to the Canadian physics community, including science outreach and serving as the CAP President; and in recognition of research using nuclear magnetic resonance to study molecules in model membranes and bilayers.
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Robert Mann , University of Waterloo ,
in recognition of his outstanding research contributions in theoretical physics and excellence in teaching; and for dedicated service to the Canadian physics community, in particular as President of the CAP.
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Gabor Kunstatter , University of Winnipeg ,
in recognition of his outstanding service to the Canadian physics community and leadership in the CAP, and for influential contributions to theoretical physics in the areas of quantum field theory, black holes and quantum gravity.
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Christine Kraus , SNOLAB ,
in recognition of her contributions to Canadian physics through service to the Canadian Association of Physicists in various organization and administrative roles, often with a focus on equity, diversity and inclusion; and for major research contributions to the SNO and SNO+ experiments, increasing the impact of Canadian physics research.
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Karen Kavanagh , Simon Fraser University ,
in recognition of her contributions to the formation and characterization of novel electronic materials and interfaces and for techniques applied to the nanofabrication of metallic nanohole arrays whose polarization properties help secure Canadian banknotes against counterfeiting; and for service to the Canadian physics community and a dedication to outreach.
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Rituparna Kanungo , Saint Mary ,
in recognition of her contributions to experimental subatomic physics and groundbreaking discoveries in rare isotopes and nuclear shells; and for leadership of international collaborations in Japan, Germany, and Canada's TRIUMF, and service to national and international organizations.
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Eric Hessels , York University ,
in recognition of their advancements in the state of the art for high precision atomic physics measurements and establishment of tests of fundamental physics; and for an outstanding record of mentorship and training.
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Cecile Fradin , McMaster University ,
in recognition of her influential contributions to experimental biophysics, particularly with optical probes of dynamics within the crowded medium of cells, and for excellence in the education and mentorship of junior scientists at all levels.
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Marie D'Iorio , University of Ottawa ,
in recognition of her research contributions to semiconductor quantum structures and organic electronics; and for contributions to applied and private sector physics through major roles as Director-General of NRC’s Institute for Microstructural Sciences and as the Executive Director of the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT).
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Melanie C.W. Campbell , University of Waterloo ,
in recognition of her outstanding research contributions to visual optics and novel ocular imaging; and for advocacy for women in physics and for service to the Canadian physics community, in particular as President of the CAP.
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Robert Brandenberger , McGill University ,
in recognition of his coupling of ground-breaking developments in theoretical cosmology with recent dramatic advances in observational astronomy of the early universe; and an outstanding record of mentorship and training.
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Xiaoyi Bao , University of Ottawa ,
in recognition of of her ground-breaking work in the field of fiber optics and photonics; and in recognition of inspiring mentorship which has empowered a diverse group, notably women, to secure faculty positions, establish companies, and assume executive positions.
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Corina Andreoiu , Simon Fraser University ,
in recognition of her influential contributions to subatomic physics, particularly in advancing the understanding of collective behavior and shape co-existence in nuclei, and for dedication to the Canadian physics community through tireless service to the CAP, the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics, and TRIUMF.
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Charles Gale , McGill University ,
in recognition of his research contributions to the field of high-density nuclear physics, specifically the behaviour of quark matter at high density and pressure as is obtained in heavy ion collisions. Dr. Gale was awarded the 2022 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics and he has also received both the 2015 CAP-CRM Prize for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics and the 2017 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal. His contributions to the Canadian physics community are manifest and include being a founding member of the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics and serving on many board positions concerning nuclear theory in Canada and internationally.
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Michael Thewalt , Simon Fraser University ,
in recognition of his research contributions leading to his being awarded the 2004 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics and the 2004 Brockhouse Medal. The committee also notes his contributions to the Canadian physics community, being President of the CAP in 2001-2002, a member of the NSERC Women’s Faculty Awards Selection Committee, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Physics, among others.
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Mark Sutton , McGill University ,
in recognition of the research that he has undertaken in experimental condensed matter physics which merited his award of the 2001 CAP Brockhouse Medal and the 2017 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics. His research has been focused on using synchrotron radiation to analyze non-equilibrium materials. He has contributed to the Canadian physics community through his leadership from being Chair or member of various Canadian and International Committees concerning Synchrotron Light sources.
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Kenneth Ragan , McGill University ,
in recognition of his outstanding service to the Canadian physics community and for the invaluable contributions and commitment to physics education that he has portrayed. He was the President of the CAP in 2013-2014. He has served as a member of the NSERC grant selection committee for subatomic physics and he was the Chair of the Long-range planning committee for subatomic physics, among several other similar posts. He is an invaluable educator winning several recognitions including the 2020 CAP Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.
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Richard MacKenzie , Université de Montréal ,
in recognition of his dedication and commitment to the Canadian physics community through his tireless contributions to the CAP: he was President of the CAP in 2016-2017; he was a regional councillor; he was on the Editorial Board of Physics in Canada and the Canadian Journal of Physics; he was Chair of the Division of Theoretical Physics; and he was a co-chair of the 2013 CAP Congress Local Organizing Committee, among other contributions. His contributions to research in theoretical physics are largely in soliton physics, important and applicable across many fields: particle physics, condensed matter physics, cosmology and quantum information theory.
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Graeme Luke , McMaster University ,
in recognition of for his outstanding research accomplishments in experimental condensed matter physics; being a world-renowned expert in muon spin rotation techniques. He was awarded several recognitions for his research work, including, significantly, the 2019 CAP Brockhouse Medal. Dr. Luke has also made important contributions to the Canadian physics community as Chair of DCMMP, as Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at McMaster, and as Chair of the TRIUMF Users Committee, among several other positions.
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Arthur Bruce McDonald , Queen's University ,
in recognition of for outstanding contributions to physics research and education, for leadership within the Canadian physics community and for inspiring the next generation of physics graduates.
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