
2019 CAP Medal and Award Winners

CRM view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics is awarded to

Dr. Jaume Gomis, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in recognition of for his broad range of important contributions to string theory and strongly coupled gauge theories, including the pioneering use of nonlocal observables, the exact computation of physical quantities in quantum field theory, and the unravelling of the nonperturbative dynamics of gauge theories.

"It is a thrill and an honour to be recognized for my work by CAP-CRM, and to join, through this distinction, such accomplished scientists."

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Kirkby view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP-COMP Peter Kirkby Memorial Medal for Outstanding Service to Canadian Physics is awarded to

Bela Joos, University of Ottawa, in recognition of for his tireless service and selfless devotion to strengthening the Canadian physics community. His service in the executive of the Canadian Association of Physicists, and his central role in supporting, transforming, and rejuvenating Physics in Canada as a national physics magazine during more than 30 years on the editorial board and more than a decade as editor, embody the ideals of outstanding service to Canadian physics that the Kirkby medal celebrates.

"This recognition touches me greatly. I found great satisfaction in serving the CAP, Physics in Canada, and the Canadian Physics community, as much at the local than at the national level."

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Brockhouse view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal is awarded to

Dr. Graeme Luke, McMaster University, in recognition of for his contributions in the field of superconductor research using muon-spin techniques, and his leading role in developing these techniques at TRIUMF, a signature of Canada's research excellence.

"I am honoured to be the 2019 Brockhouse Medal recipient. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be a member of the Canadian physics community and to have the opportunity to work with wonderful colleagues, collaborators and students. I am very grateful for the support provided by McMaster University’s Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research and TRIUMF’s Centre for Molecular and Materials Research where much of my research is performed."

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Teaching view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP Medal for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics is awarded to

Prof. Robert Mann, University of Waterloo, in recognition of for his overall accomplishments in teaching, and the promotion of quality teaching both at his institution and through the CAP, which are exemplified by the instigation of an annual Teaching Retreat at the University of Waterloo and the implementation of the CAP's Award for Excellence in High School/CEGEP Physics Teaching.

"Our present day understanding of physics stands as one of humanity’s great achievements, and I am always pleased and excited to communicate our knowledge of physics to anyone, from novice to expert. To be recognized for this as the recipient of this year’s CAP medal of excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics is a great honour indeed."

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Herzberg view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP Herzberg Medal is awarded to

Paul Barclay, University of Calgary, in recognition of for his demonstrated leadership in nanophotonics and optomechanical devices that is building new bridges between pure and applied quantum science.

"It is a tremendous honour to be recognized by the Canadian physics community with this award. Since my undergraduate studies I have been fortunate to work with supportive colleagues and mentors, and more recently with extremely talented graduate students and postdocs, without whom our work in nanophotonics would not have been possible."

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Achievement view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics is awarded to

Dr. Douglas Bonn, University of British Columbia, in recognition of for his accomplishments in quantum materials that have advanced our understanding of high-temperature superconductors.

"I am grateful and humbled by this recognition, which is for work that has always been done in a multitude of strong teams with many other researchers. Canada, and CAP, have always been a welcoming place for such a collaborative research approach."

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Vogt view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Contributions to Subatomic Physics is awarded to

Prof. Scott Oser, University of British Columbia and TRIUMF, in recognition of for his contributions to the study of neutrino oscillations with the SNO and T2K experiments, and to experimental searches for dark matter with SuperCDMS. He has demonstrated excellence in hardware design and construction, data analysis, scientific interpretation of the results, organization, and leadership. The award is in recognition of the breadth of his scientific endeavours, demonstrable expertise, and high impact in each experiment.

"I feel truly honoured to receive the 2019 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal. Looking over the impressive list of previous winners is humbling for me, and only amplifies my thanks for this recognition. As the first winner from UBC, where Erich Vogt was a veritable institution and an inspiration to many, this is a particularly meaningful honour for me."

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Industrial view medal information back to top

The 2019 CAP Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Industrial and Applied Physics was not awarded this year.

"I feel truly honoured to receive the 2019 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal. Looking over the impressive list of previous winners is humbling for me, and only amplifies my thanks for this recognition. As the first winner from UBC, where Erich Vogt was a veritable institution and an inspiration to many, this is a particularly meaningful honour for me."