
2018 CAP Medal and Award Winners

CRM view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics is awarded to

Ariel Zhitnitsky, University of British Columbia, in recognition of for his ground-breaking contributions to theoretical high energy physics, in particular for his development of the ``invisible axion" model, and for his work on the vacuum structure of non-Abelian gauge theories.

"It is a great honour to join the list of previous winners, given that every single name is associated with extraordinary achievements. This is especially true for the UBC Physics Department with 5 (now 6) members listed: Bill Unruh, Ian Affleck, Gordon Semenoff, Matt Choptuik, Mark Raamsdonk."

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INO view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP-INO Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Applied Photonics is awarded to

Tigran Galstian, Universite Laval, in recognition of for the development and successful transfer of the “crystal lens” technology to the industry, for applications in cellphone cameras and dynamic lighting..

"It is a great honor for me to receive the Canadian Association of Physicists and the Institut National d'Optique Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Applied Photonics. Thank you. I would like also to thank my collaborators who made this possible including my colleagues who accepted and supported me all these years."

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Brockhouse view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal is awarded to

Andrea Damascelli, University of British Columbia, in recognition of for his important contributions and leadership in the investigation of quantum solids and surfaces, in particular for what concerns strongly-correlated systems, through the design and development of unique angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) instruments.

"I am honoured to be the 2018 Brockhouse Medal recipient. It is a privilege to be part of the vibrant Canadian physics community and I am truly grateful for the opportunities I have been given. This recognition is a testimony to the talented students, postdocs, staff, colleagues and collaborators I have worked with. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to them all."

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Teaching view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP Medal for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics is awarded to

Sarah Johnson, Simon Fraser University, in recognition of for her overall accomplished contributions to teaching. In addition to her sustained excellence in classroom teaching, Sarah has been active in developing programming to ensure student success, such as a volunteer Peer Tutoring Program in Science & Math and Early Intervention Tutorials for students at risk of failure in first-year classes. She has been active in curriculum design, such as the development of a Studio Physics version of first-year physics and was an early adopter of iClickers, which are a tremendous tool for improving student engagement during lectures. Sarah has a stellar record of community outreach in general (e.g., "Science Spooktacular"), and her efforts in encouraging young women to go into physics (e.g., "Girls Exploring Physics"), in particular.

"I am honoured to receive this prestigious award from CAP. Teaching physics to undergraduate students is both challenging and rewarding. I am grateful for this recognition of my efforts to constantly improve how I teach and support our students."

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Herzberg view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP Herzberg Medal is awarded to

Alison Lister, University of British Columbia, in recognition of for her many leadership roles in the ATLAS Collaboration and for the breadth of her contributions in particle physics, including the discovery of the Higgs boson, precision measurements of the top quark, new limits on physics beyond the Standard Model, and innovative efforts in using machine learning in experimental particle physics.

"This award is a great honour not only for me personally but also to recognize the important work done by my postdoc and students as well as the broader ATLAS-Canada community. We strive to use advanced techniques for data analysis through to detector development in order to make the most of the excellent performance delivered by the Large Hadron Collider."

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Achievement view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics is awarded to

Jean-Michel Poutissou, TRIUMF, in recognition of for his lifelong contributions to the field of experimental particle physics. Jean-Michel’s decades-long research career includes pioneering work on precision measurements of rare decays and their implications for the Standard Model, ground-breaking work on the use of off-axis neutrino beams for studying neutrino oscillations. Moreover, having served as TRIUMF’s Associate/Science Director for 21 years, he’s dedicated decades of outstanding leadership and stewardship in transforming TRIUMF into a world-class multidisciplinary research laboratory.

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Vogt view medal information back to top

The 2018 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Contributions to Subatomic Physics is awarded to

Rituparna Kanungo, Saint Mary's University, in recognition of for her leadership and contribution in the field of direct reaction and halo-nuclei studies with rare isotopes, including ground breaking discoveries of doubly-magic oxygen isotope.

"I feel highly honoured receiving this prestigious recognition which I would like to share with my collaborators. Canada’s world-leading subatomic physics facilities attracted me here, thanks to the pioneering efforts by Erich Vogt. I feel fortunate with the support I received, and want to thank the physics community and Canada for valuing my contributions."

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