Bélanger-Champagne , Camille - TRIUMF |
"Blue Screen of Death: Can Cosmic Rays Crash Your Computer?" |
Bianucci, Pablo - Concordia University |
"Prisoner Photons: Trapping light for fun (and profit?) (Presenting at AUPAC - Time/Date TBC)" |
Cowan, Nicolas - McGill University |
"Physique du climat : des planètes de lave au réchauffement climatique" |
Ganesh, Ramachandran - Brock University |
"Stacking with randomness and frustration: the curious case of lithium and sodium" |
Iorsh, Ivan - Queen's University |
Junginger, Tobias - University of Victoria / TRIUMF |
"Radiofrequency Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators" |
Mallick, Labani - University of Manitoba and Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) |
Oatway, Kate - Montrose Environmental |
"Am I still a Physicist? – Life as an Environmental Consultant" |
Rugheimer, Sarah - York University |
Stolarski, Daniel - Carleton University |
Stukel, Matthew - SNOLAB |
"The search for dark matter with the coldest detectors in our universe" |
Wang, Kai - McGill University |