2025 CAP Lecture Tour Speaker List

Bélanger-Champagne , Camille - TRIUMF

"Blue Screen of Death: Can Cosmic Rays Crash Your Computer?"

Bianucci, Pablo - Concordia University

"Prisoner Photons: Trapping light for fun (and profit?)"

Chin, See Leang - Université Laval

"Lightning in a Forest (Wild) Fire: Mechanism at the Molecular Level "

Cowan, Nicolas - McGill University

"Climate Physics: from Lava Planets to Global Warming"

Erdemci-Tandogan, Gonca - Western University, Department of Physics and Astronomy

"Physics of biological tissues: modelling embryonic development and disease"

Hamdan, Ahmad - Université de Montréal

"Plasma in liquid: from fundamentals to applications"

Iorsh, Ivan - Queen's University

"Taming the Electromagnetic Vacuum: harnessing quantum vacuum fluctuations in electromagnetic cavities for quantum technlogies applications."

Junginger, Tobias - University of Victoria / TRIUMF

"Radiofrequency Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators"

Kilfoil, Maria - UPEI

"Active mechanics in biological cells"

Mallick, Labani - University of Manitoba​ and Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)

"Accreting Massive Black Holes at the Center of Galaxies and their Impact on Small Sub-pc to Large Galactic Scales"

Oatway, Kate - Montrose Environmental

"Am I still a Physicist? – Life as an Environmental Consultant"

Ogilvie, Jennifer - University of Ottawa

"Shedding New Light on Photosynthesis"

Poley, Luise - SFU

"How to build one of the most sophisticated particle detectors in the world (and why it is so incredibly hard)"

Ramachandran, Ganesh - Brock University

"Stacking with randomness and frustration: the curious case of lithium and sodium"

Rugheimer, Sarah - York University

"James Webb - Unveiling the Hidden Cosmos"

Schielicke, Lisa - Western University

"Exploring thunderstorms through high-resolution simulations and 3D visualization"

Schiettekatte, Fançois - Université de Montréal

"Amorphous materials and gravitational waves / Matériaux amorphes et ondes gravitationnelles"

Shi, Yu - Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western University

"Bridging nano- and mesoscale nuclear organization with correlative single molecule lattice light sheet microscopy"

Sivak, David - Simon Fraser University

"Evolution Is An Engineer: The ingenious nano-machines inside all living things "

Stolarski, Daniel - Carleton University

"New results for non-perturbative quantum field theory"

Stukel, Matthew - SNOLAB

"The search for dark matter with the coldest detectors in our universe"

Wang, Kai - McGill University

"Quantum photonics with metamaterials"

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