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Prof. Na Young Kim

University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing

Date of Live Presentation: Fri, 26-Jul-2024
Location: Université de Sherbrooke


Quantum Innovation Laboratory


We in modern society are beneficiaries of advanced electronics, photonics and the combination of two. As an effort to develop new platforms of electronics, photonics and optoelectronics harnessing quantum nature, I have studied transport properties of carbon nanotubes, where long-range interaction plays a significant role. In photonics domain, I have been studying exciton-polaritons in a quantum-well-microcavity structure, where dynamical macroscopic condensation emerges via stimulated scattering process arising from exchange interactions. Here I present the lessons from the study of carbon nanotubes and exciton-polaritons, and I give perspectives and current progress of strategic action plans for future in my brand-new QuIN Lab at the University of Waterloo.

Short bio

Dr. Na Young Kim is Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo. Dr. Kim is a leading expert in quantum electronics, quantum optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, condensed matter physics, and quantum information science and technology. Her primary contributions in quantum electronics and quantum optics were published in top-tier science and engineering journals, including the direct observation of strongly correlated Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid properties from the first shot noise measurement with ballistic single-walled carbon nanotubes in Physical Review Letters, and the first observation of degenerate high-orbital condensates in artificial lattices in Nature and Nature Physics. She is a recipient of AKPA Outstanding Young Research Award in 2012, and she has delivered more than 50 invited talks at international venues.

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